Fascism what is it? Ask the best A.I.
I wonder the reason my verified account @LBBlacksmith on Twitter (X) was RESTRICTED and then SUSPENDED.
I wonder if Elon Musk with his best A.I. could tell how the democratic values have become catholic legacy, without having to quote the racial laws of Mussolini?
For the attention of: The Federal Trade Commission The Complaint to FTC
Propaganda and Fake News, what is it?
My complaint to the FTC for Fair Trade, Freedom of Speech and the censorship of my Twitter (X) verified account.
I wonder if the FTC, with the help of Elon Musk and the best A.I., will be able to tell one democratic values that it has been a catholic value in history. Or eventually will be able to tell how the democratic values have become catholic legacy, without having to quote the racial laws of Mussolini.
Dear FTC, the secular value of Justice is the Exact Reason why the Ancient Romans used to call the Christians with the name of UNCIVILIZED BARBARIANS and TERRORISTS.
For the attention of: EU MP Ilaria Salis The Tweet
Catholic Anti-Fascists, Propaganda and Fake News, what is it?
I wonder if Ms Salis could tell one democratic value that it has been a catholic value in history.
As she is EU MP, I wonder she could find one professor, a journalist or politician, who is able to tell how the democratic values have become catholic legacy, without having to quote the racial laws of Mussolini.
Riguardo "Le mura del silenzio" (RSI, Falò, 06-06-2024) La denuncia
Riguardo la tradizione di abusi del Clero, il sesso non e' l'unica perversione.
Quindi chiedo alla Universita' di Zurigo di confermare i dati in mio possesso.
Gentile Universtita' di Zurigo, sapreste dire un valore democratico che sia stato un valore cattolico nel corso della storia?
Sapreste indicare un professore, un giornalista oppure un politico, qualcuno in grado di dire come avrebbero fatto i valori democratici a diventare tradizione cattolica, senza dover citare le leggi razziali di Mussolini?
Cosa capite da tutta questa popolazione statistica che non sa o non vuole rispondere? Ignoranza e omerta', indottrinamento e oppressione?
Mi piacerebbe sapere dal vescovo quali sarebbero i valori democratici che vorrebbe esportare nel mondo, per civilizzarlo.
Concerning "The walls of silence" (RSI, Falò, 06-06-2024) The lawsuit
Concerning the tradition of abuses of the Catholic Church, sex is not the only perversion.
So I ask the University of Zurich to confirm the experimental data in my possession.
Dear University of Zurich, could you tell one democratic value that it has been a catholic value in history?
Could you tell the name of one professor, a journalist or a politician who is able to tell how the democratic values have become catholic legacy, without having to quote the racial laws of Mussolini?
What do you understand from this well educated statistical population, unable or unwilling to answer the most simple questions? Ignorance? Careless? The code of silence of the mafia? Brainwash and intellectual oppression?
I would like the Bishop could tell the democratic values he would like to export around the world, to civilize it.
Non posso non chiedere conferma al Prof. Alessandro Barbero. Il Tweet
Gentile Professore Alessandro Barbero, secondo lei la Senatrice Liliana Segre riuscirebbe a trovare un insegnante, un giornalista oppure un politico in grado di dire come avrebbero fatto i valori democratici a diventare tradizione cattolica, senza dover citare le leggi razziali di Mussolini?
L.B. Blacksmith Ltd
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