For the attention of
Dear EU MP Ilaria Salis
the EU-OLAF sent LAWSUIT to Italy for the violation of Civil Rights, Monopoly and Competition, but the prosecutor stated that it has never happened, against the letters of the Consulate, and the witnessing of the English Police, Public Defendants and more Public Offices. It was also in the news @larenait
Could you tell in what system of values the Prosecutor could pretend it didn't happen?
More precisely, it was the Questura in Milan to issue my passport and later to report the details of it on more documents and confirm my presence in person again. How could they pretend I wasn't there?
You can see the professors in the photograph of my graduation ceremony at Verona University. How could they pretend I wasn't there, and make me look like an impostor?
I also like to report the Consul for the assistance provided in making me paperless and look like an impostor, despite I am not the impostor. How could they pretend I didn't complain, and I didn't have rights for my documents in reasonable time? How long would you wait for the confirmation of your university degree and passport replacement after the theft of the passport?
As you can see, the EU SENT LAWSUIT FOR VIOLATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS, freedom of travel and enterprise, but also MONOPOLY and COMPETITION.
As you can see I already had SPONSOR and CUSTOMERS when I was told I could not continue because I couldn't provide personal Identification (passport ID) and confirmation of my university degree, and the only assistance the consulate could provide was to make me look like an impostor, refusing my documents and making me paperless like an illegal immigrant and a counterfeiter.
Furthermore I underline the project I organised was offering free service to every national services, and I already had SPONSOR and CUSTOMERS when they made me paperless and aborted the project.
I wonder in what system of values the Prosecutor could pretending it didn't happen.
Similarly I wonder in what SYSTEM OF VALUES #GiulioRegeni would be honest with the RECOMMENDATIONS of the bishop for diplomas and degrees he never had, while the other cannot have CONFIRMATION of their TRUE academic career from STATE universities. In what system of values the other are IMPOSTORS despite they are not impostors, and are prevented from legal representation and persecuted as terrorists for their claim to have rights not to be the impostors?
So I wonder concerning the SYSTEM OF VALUES in discussion, and I underline that the EMANCIPATION FROM THE DIVINE JUSTICE is the exact reason why the Ancient Romans used to call the Christians with the name of uncivilized BARBARIANS and TERRORISTS.
And concerning the FASCIST RACIAL LAWS in the schoolbooks I underline that NOBODY was ever ABLE TO TELL ANY of these democratic values of catholic origin, mostly because these values have been established to defend the civil people from the mafia, bribery and blackmail, false accusations and witch-huntings of the clergy.
In fact it was never the Church to promote Education and People's Rights, but recently the Church has become more democratic dispensing passports and university degrees to every idiot from all over the world is pervert and corrupt enough to feel honest in conscience with the recommendations of the bishop for diplomas and degrees they never had, as demonstration that the democratic values are catholic legacy.
So, concerning the bribery and blackmail they organize concerning documents the victims have rights to, and concerning false accusations they organise to slander and defame their victims after EU sent lawsuit to Italy, I send you the REPORTS and WITNESSING of English Police and Public Defendants. And concerning REPEATED FALSE ACCUSATIONS AFTER EU SENT LAWSUIT for violation of civil rights, I SEND you MORE WITNESSIG of the POLICE and PUBLIC DEFENDANTS, and REPORT AGAIN the assistance provided by the consulate in organising and motivating all of this, while preventing the victims from independent legal representation.
So I send you the EVIDENCES of the ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM OF VALUES motivating their RELIGIOUS HATE against the democratic values they pretend to represent, despite they cannot tell ANY democratic value of religious origin, but rather demonstrate to be unable to distinguish GOOD and EVIL.
So, especially concerning the ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM OF VALUES they promote, since they would be the democrats and the victims would be unable to DISTINGUISH GOOD AND EVIL, I send you the WITNESSING AND REPORTS OF THE POLICE AND PUBLIC DEFENDANTS concerning REPEATED FALSE ACCUSATIONS motivated by their RELIGOIUS system of values, AFTER EU SENT LAWSUIT TO ITALY, as evidence of POLITICAL COVER UP pretending to impose their ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM OF VALUES IN PRIVATE, with more false accusations and RECOMMENDATIONS, REPORTED AGAIN BY POLICE AND PUBLIC DEFENDANTS AS FALSE ACCUSATIONS.
And SINCE ALL THE ACCUSATIONS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN DISMISSED BY THE POLICE AS UNSUBSTANTIATED, I REPORT PSYSICAL AND MORAL TORTURE. and DEMAND to lawsuit all the RECOMMENDATIONS and COVER UP they provided in conscience, intentionally and repeatedly. First making people paperless and pretending the victims are impostors, Then years later pretending it didn't happen. Then years later pretending the victims are the problem, not conforming to their ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM OF VALUES.
In conclusion I wrote a book titled “3 JAN 1925” with ALL THESE DOCUMENTS in APPENDIX, so that people could read and understand the democracy they are living in.
With special attention to the schoolbooks pretending the democratic values are catholic legacy, despite nobody was ever able to tell any of these democratic values of catholic origin. And with particular concern to the high moral standard of the fascist racial laws, and the reasons why the ancient Romans used to call the Christians with the name of UNCIVILIZED BARBARIANS and TERRORISTS.
Luca Benatti – L.B. Blacksmith
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In Acknowledgement
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Dear Shingi @SkyNews @TheSundayTimes,
what do you know about the RACIAL LAWS enacted 3 JAN 1925? Do you believe have been abolished?
After almost 100 years, with the “white people” declared in decline, I wonder if you could find ONE professor, a Journalist or a Politician able to tell HOW the democratic values have become catholic legacy, without having to quote THESE RACIAL LAWS.
In fact the democratic values are the result to the EMANCIPATION from the absolute power of the Church, and especially the freedom of choice and the secular value of justice have NEVER been catholic values but catholic heresies, to be persecuted throughout history and last by Mussolini in 1925, with the RACIAL LAWS that have never been abolished.
As consequence I BET €200.000 YOU CANNNOT find NOT ONE professor, a journalist or a politician able to tell how the democratic values have become catholic legacy WITHOUT having to quote THESE RACIAL LAWS. I like to know, if the best selected professors from the best universities couldn't answer, would you call them a bunch of WELL SELECTED PERVERTS and GANGSTERS, or simple idiots from all over the world.
So, concerning this matter of RACISM and EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCES, I invite the Secretary of State for Education Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson to find a professor able to answer.
I wonder why the SYLLABUS is OMITTING THE FASCIST RACIAL LAWS enacted in 1925 and never abolished, while pretending the NAZI RACIAL LAWS enacted in 1938 would be the only racial laws to discuss, despite abolished long time ago in 1945.
As further evidence I invite you to see the documentaries of the EYE WITNESS now Senator for life #LilianaSegre AND SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYE if she was persecuted after the 3rd January 1925, or she had to WAIT the NAZI racial laws for that, 13 years later in 1938.
You may ask the senator if the racial laws enacted in 1938 were the FASCIST or the NAZI racial laws, or the only racial laws.
You may ask how many Italian people have been vanished by the fascist BEFORE the NAZI arrived for her, and how many AFTER the NAZI racial laws were abolished.
You may also ask the senator to tell the DIFFERENCE between the FASCIST and the NAZI racial laws, because it would be helpful for many of your politician, unable to distinguish NAZI and FASCIST, but demonstrating in practice their understanding of democracy.
So since democracy to them means to gather into a group against single individual and prevent the victims from legal representation, I send you the WITNESSING and REPORTS of the POLICE and PUBLIC DFENDANTS concerning your democracy of false accusations and public lynching.
Furthermore, since the NAZI racial laws have been abolished with the fall of Nazism, I wonder if the Senator could tell WHEN the FASCIST racial laws enacted the 3rd January 1925 have been abolished? Before or after the "Moral Matter" established with a dictatorship and never abolished? Before or after the excommunication of secular values, and the democratic values with it?
So after 100 years I wonder if you could find one professor, a Journalist or a Politician able to tell one democratic value that it has been a catholic value in history?
Can you find one professor, a Journalist or a Politician able to tell HOW the democratic values have become catholic legacy, without having to quote these RACIAL LAWS of 1925?
But I am sure you can find millions of idiots from all over the world, willing to feel honest with the recommendations of the bishop for diplomas and degrees they never had, and to propaganda the democratic values are catholic legacy.
You should ask the Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson in what SYSTEM OF VALUES whatever idiot has the rights to feel honest with the RECOMMENDATIONS of the bishop for diplomas and degrees they never had, and pretend the democratic values are catholic legacy WITHOUT BEING ABLE to tell any of these democratic values of catholic origin. I wonder if they could distinguish good and evil at all. Meanwhile the locals cannot have confirmation of their true academic career from state universities, become paperless like impostors and illegal immigrants, and are persecuted as terrorists for their claim to have rights not to be the impostors.
Why do you believe the “white people” is in decline?
Why do you call the rioters “rights wing” when they fight against it?
How do you call the other democrats? Because whatever idiot has the rights and freedoms to pretend the democratic values are catholic legacy without being able to tell any of these democratic value of catholic origin, and organize false accusations at will?
I would like the Secretary of State Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson could clarify in what system of value it would be an “ITALIAN PRIVATE MATTER” as stated by MP Bill Rammell (PM Tony Blair office), if EU citizens become paperless in England and politically they cannot do anything more than COVER UP, years after the happenings, with more offences.
So I send you the WITNESSING and REPORTS of the Police and Public defendants concerning EU citizens prevented from the rights to hire a lawyer, just to cover up the divine regime of bribery and blackmail, slander and defamation and perverts diverting the course of Justice.
I also like to repeat for the hard of hearing that the EMANCIPATION FROM THE DIVINE JUSTICE is the exact reason why the Ancient Romans used to call the Christians with the name of uncivilized BARBARIANS and TERRORISTS.
And since the SYSTEM OF VALUES is in discussion, to understand WHO IS THE IMPOSTOR, I send you the REPORTS and WITNESSING of the Police and Public Defendants as evidence of PHYSICAL and MORAL TORTURE, as I AM NOT THE IMPOSTOR while “they” pretend to impose their ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM OF VALUES “in private”, with RECOMMENDATIONS and FALSE ACCUSATIONS they pretend not to be responsible or accountable for.
With best Regards
Luca Benatti – L.B. Blacksmith
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For the Attention of
... So I send you the WITNESSING and REPORTS of the Police and Public Defendants concerning repeated false accusations against EU citizens, AFTER EU sent lawsuit to ITALY for violation of civil rights, freedom of movement and enterprise, Monopoly and competition.
Be proud for what you do with your alternative system of value, politically well justified by the RACIAL LAWS of 1925.
In Acknowledgement
@metpoliceuk @10DowningStreet @Keir_Starmer @YvetteCooperMP @bphillipsonMP @Heidi_Labour @abigailmashall @RachelReevesMP @MayorofLondon @vonderleyen @EU_Commission
@SalisIlaria @Quirinale @GiorgiaMeloni @ellyesse @pdnetwork @GiuseppeConteIT @M5S_Camera @M5S_Senato @M5S_Europa
@ShingiMararike @alixculbertson @Josh_Self_ @Rebeccasmt @SkyNewsAust @thetimes @TimesRadio @PA @Independent @guardiannews @BBCWorld
Agenzia_Ansa @ReutersUK @Reuters @AlJazeeraWorld @JohnRentoul @RobertJenrick @George_Osborne @Corriere @repubblica @gazzettamantova @larenait
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Promoting the awareness and understanding of Fascism and the fascist racial laws
* 3 JAN 1925 - L.B. Blacksmith
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